Fees and funding

Allendale Pre-School, as a charity, is committed to providing affordable childcare to all families. Our pricing and flexibility of sessions reflect this commitment.


Our hourly rate is £4.75 per hour for children aged 3 and 4 years and £5.75 per hour for 2 year olds, with a consumables charge of 75p per session which also covers a healthy snack at each session. There is a one off registration fee of £10.

We are open Monday – Friday during term time. Sessions can be used in any combination to suit your requirements.

We can now offer an early drop off service from 8.30am if arranged in advance with staff.

Time Hours Cost for two year olds Cost for three and four year olds
Morning session 9.00-11.45 2.75 £15.81 £13.06
Lunch session 11.45-12.45 1 £5.75 £4.75
Afternoon session 12.45-15.15 2.5 £14.38 £11.88
Full day 9.00-15.15 6.25 £38.81 £32.06
Consumables 75p per session 75p per session
Registration £10 if using above funded hours £10 if using above funded hours


The government offer lots of different options that could help with your childcare costs, please click the following link to see what options are available and what help you may be eligible for.

Childcare choices website

Three year old funding – 15 hours

The term after your child turns three, they will be eligible for 15 hours per week of funded childcare and education from the Government.  It can be shared between settings if your child attends more than one setting; however Northumberland County Council makes the decision on how this is divided. Any time above 15 hours will be charged at our hourly rate, unless your child is eligible for 30 hours per week of funding.

Three year old funding – 30 hours

To qualify for 30 hours funding you, and any partner must work a minimum of 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage.

To apply for 30 hours funding you must apply for a code online, which then must be validated before the start of term at Pre School, for more information please speak to a member of staff. To apply for the 30 hours funding please click the following link;

Apply for 30 hours funding.

** To keep your 30 hours free childcare place you need to check your details are up to date and reconfirm every 3 months. **

Two year old funding – 15 hours

Certain two year olds are also eligible for 15 hours of funded childcare per week, there is a list of criteria that has to be met, to find out more please click on the following link.

Further information on 2 year old funding.

Childcare vouchers

We accept Childcare Vouchers and will work with your employers Childcare Voucher company to set up this scheme. If you have questions about Childcare Vouchers please speak to your employer, they are a great scheme designed to make your money go further.

Tax free childcare

If you’re a working parent with children under 12 (or under 17 for disabled children), you can open an online account to pay for registered childcare.

The government will top-up the money you pay into the account. For every £8 you pay in, the government will add an extra £2. You can receive up to £2,000 per child per year – that’s up to £500 every three months. If you have a disabled child, you can receive up to £4,000 per child – that’s up to £1,000 every three months.

Apply for tax free childcare.

COOKED MEALS24.4.13 071

Children can be provided with a 2 course hot meal at lunch time at a cost of £2.40 per meal which are provided by Allendale Primary School, The children get a choice of three options which can be ordered in a morning,  alternatively children can bring a healthy packed lunch from home.

Healthy packed lunch ideas.


Wherever practical we try to accommodate flexible and short notice sessions, we realise families’ needs change and encourage you to get in touch if you need to add, swap or change sessions.

If you have any question about fees or funding please get in touch, we are more than happy to discuss your requirements or work out costings.

Bills are issued monthly in arrears and are payable via BACS, cash or cheque. For more information please see our Policies and Procedures which are available on our Documents page.

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